What have we done?

Probably you're wondering what disaster happened last week.
Well, it was 11:49 pm, I was doing homework-fortunately- I was writing on my computer while talking with my school team, we were talking about that team homework that we'd present to the class the next day; Friday. In that minute, suddenly I felt sick until I noticed everything was shaking as I was. It was an earthquake, 8.2 in Richter scale earthquake, more intense than the one in 1985, which destroyed the city, course this time it wasn't trepidatory as in 1985, but still dangerous and mortal.
Those minutes were the scariest ever, I got scared when I saw my door violently moving, the glasses creaking...
All people in Mexico city was outside, in the streets at midnight, waking up because the earthquake alert sound, trying to stay safe; what to say about states as Oaxaca and Chiapas... they didn't want to return to their houses after the earthquake, they were afraid a reply or a new earthquake surprised them, and even their houses fell.
And some of them did, many people died because of this earthquake, many lost everything they had, moreover, this is one of the poorest areas in the country.
Mexican people are always solidary, always trying to help to the one who needs support. I'm glad about it, it's a sentiment that makes me proud of this place, the one where I was born and I wouldn't like to be anywhere else. Although, all the damage, we're still strong, as always.
Maybe for you is just a man hoisting a flag, but for me was a lot. A lot of feelings, pride, it made me feel safe in some way, happy even though all the mess there.
Ok, that was all about the 'disaster', now let's cut to the point.
As soon as the earthquake finished and I was able to return to my house, I started, obviously, to see the news, and ask my family and friends about how they were after the incident.
I read all the news on my Facebook timeline, one of them was from BBC, -English- informing about this, I read the comments as well, and some of them made me reflect on everything around me, reflect on my own life.
These comments, some of them coming from people from the USA- I don't like to call them 'Americans', cause for me all the people who live in America, are Americans- and other countries as England itself. One of them said something about being discriminatory, and I think yes, that comment was quite right- at least for me- this person talked about the way people were always sending love and support when a terrorist attack happens in other country and dies nine people, for example, but in this case, with 90 dead people, nobody seemed to be interested in, nobody made a massive hashtag sending at least emotional support, the kind of support that a friend gives you when something goes wrong, the kind of support-including me- that maybe is not really meaningful but a Mexican gives to people from another country when there's a disaster, the sort of support we didn't receive.
Of course, I have to say I know some lovely people out there who asked me and sending good vibes and positive thoughts, thank you for that.
Ok, maybe you think is just ridiculous, yes, probably, it is, but now the second part of all of this.
I saw other comments, answering to others where someone suggested to help Mexicans, one of them said that we already have too much help coming from the USA, that Trump helps a lot to Mexico and we're just sort of thief, as I understood.
As a student of economy, and management, marketing and all that kind of subjects, I can say, they don't have any idea of what's going on here. They say their companies help us and that's why Trump wants them back, but of course is not for helping us, why? because of companies abuse of the Mexicans, low salaries- yes the guilty is also Mexico's government- USA, uses our natural resources and sell them back in the most expensive costs, they stole our territory, etc. I know this is how it works, we're not benefited as they believe, they should do a research before speaking, but I don't want to argue about it, the fact is, why do we always have to be the humiliated ones?
Yes, I agree, not all Mexicans are nice persons, but not all are as bad as some people say, I'm so tired of it, of discrimination, racism, everything. It's unfair.
I think we don't deserve it. Now I've thought that yes, maybe the things I love the most come from outside-like Penguins of Madagascar, Sherlock, and music- yes this one is important: music. Should I still listen to music in this language? Listen to the people that maybe think bad about me? Really, should I? It's a big reflect in my mind at the moment. If we as Mexicans aren't important for the world, why should I continue with this? Being in some way humiliated, for being of a certain country. But in another way, if I want this to change I have to try to show, we're different, we're better. And yes, I write all this in English because I need to learn, and yes I like the language, and maybe because everybody can understand it, but no for praise to a country that hates us.
This Saturday is Mexico's independence 107 anniversary, but the real question is, are we really independent? I think not at all.
I have too many things to think about, maybe I'm being just a drama queen, tell what do you think, am I totally crazy? I know I'm a mess, but seriously I don't feel comfortable.
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